Forum Donations 2024/2025
on October 25, 2024, 09:29:59 am
HI Guys The funds from the last donation effort ran out in July. The hosting cost are €22 a month. Ive created a goFundMe as the paypal pools only last one month. again for your support
Re: What is this split hose?
Last Poster: ZoliWorks in Mk5 General Area on Today at 07:23:34 pm
Get that vacuum pump serviced too (the parts above the wiring loom that's leaking). Mine was also leaking but I paid it no mind. it ended up failing while driving and almost couldn't stop.
Third brake light always on
Last Poster: vinceUK in How to Guides / Troubleshooting on Today at 01:52:58 pm
Hi all,
The third brake light of my 2008 Golf mk5 TSI is constantly ON despite the ignition being OFF (not on the accessory position) and the brake pedal not pressed. The other rear brake lights remain OFF as expected and they work correctly when the ignition is ON. I have to remove the related fuse from the engine fuse box to turn it OFF so it won'#039t drain my battery. <
Intermittent DSG Whine
Last Poster: lazy in Mk5 General Area on Today at 11:46:04 am
The noise sounds like a dry oil pump whine. It used only happen rarely when stuck in traffic for a while and if I put it in neutral it would go away. It'#039s now happening more frequently and also sometimes when I'#039m driving. I was thinking about changing the oil pump but I'#039m not 100% sure it'#039s that. I'#039ve trawled Google and can'#039t find a definitive answer to whether the oil pump i
Re: Cant get Insured for a reasonable price
Last Poster: Smithy1222 in Mk5 General Area on March 07, 2025, 04:38:24 pm
I found out why it was so expensive, I was declaring wheel spacers and alloy wheels, and while alloy wheels didn't cause any issues my cheapest price dropped by over £1000 when removing wheel spacers. Tried Greenlight and they cant insure me with those mods declared, it must be some other factor which is causing it to be excessively expensive. Thanks all for your replies!
Re: Cold start issues - LPFP, HPFP, Injectors replacement - Results
Last Poster: ZoliWorks in Mk5 General Area on March 05, 2025, 03:07:35 pm
At idle, the chain is sitting quite happily at 1.0 KW when warm but the adjuster is at 26-27 KW even when the requested is 28 KW. The belt hasn'#039t been checked since last year but back then we checked 3 times and both marks were on spot.
I need to take a look at those VVT adjuster ring seals. Those wren'#039t changed and they are rubber/plastic on this engine as far as I kn
Re: Nimal's Shadow blue gti
Last Poster: madnemo in Members Rides on March 04, 2025, 08:41:53 pm
Fitted my diy inner rear lights today. Time consuming feeding the cables inside the boot all the way to the outer light wiring. I'#039m happy how they turned out, still looking like ed30 inner lights giving it a oem look. Phone Camera makes it nbsp out a lil orangey but its actually red.
Twin indicators 60mm yellow cob led nbsp ring.
Brake/tail lights 100mm red cob le
Re: Mk5 gti car dies with maf sensor connected
Last Poster: ben388332 in How to Guides / Troubleshooting on March 03, 2025, 09:22:04 pm
Hi, This is very typical when there is an air leak somewhere between the MAF sensor and the Turbo. If you check all the o-rings and pipe connections in this area there will be one that'#039s not sealed correctly. The engine cuts out because the control unit is getting conflicting information, for example the air is being pulled through the leak and therefore not past the MAF sensor so
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